Why Do We Feel Jealous? EmPowered By Intuition
I was a VERY sensitive child. So sensitive that I could easily pick up on other people’s emotions, even the ones they were trying to hide. And whenever a kid felt jealous of me, it would hit me FULL BLAST.
As a child who desperately wanted to feel loved, picking up a powerful negative emotion like jealous was devastating.
Inevitably, I would end up apologizing for doing well or for having something they didn’t have, like I had done something wrong.
For most of my life, I dimmed my light so other people would like me more.
But eventually I realized that
Jealousy is the FALSE belief that we can’t have what someone else has
Even if I was to completely strip myself of every gift, skill or circumstance that has been bestowed upon me, other people would STILL feel jealous.
Because the problem is *their* false belief.
Which I can’t fix.
However, this understanding came in handy when I became s professional intuitive.
Because every time a client was struggling with jealousy, I would ALWAYS ask this question: What is it that you think you can’t have?
And from there we could get back on track by solving the root cause.
Once we fixed that false belief, the jealousy melted away.
Your intuition is calling 🔔
Don’t let it go to voicemail