Uncovering Distortion: The Nemesis of Intuition
Welcome to the Left Brain Intuition Podcast where we talk about the connection between logic and intuition.

Today I want to discuss one of the biggest enemies of intuition: DISTORTION.
In my career as a professional intuitive, I have encountered clients who have received distorted readings that were not pure, clear, or accurate. In this article, I want to discuss how to recognize distortion, its effects, and how to avoid it.
What is Distortion?
Distortion is when an intuitive message is not pure, meaning it has been influenced by the reader’s beliefs, fears, or personal agendas. It is like a ripple on water that distorts an image.
Sometimes, distortion is so subtle that it is hard to notice. Other times, it is very clear that the message is not coming from intuition. In my experience, the most common cause of distortion is fear.
The Effects of Distortion
Distortion can have severe consequences, especially when it affects a significant decision. For instance, you may receive an intuitive insight that encourages you to take a particular career path or end a relationship.
If the message is distorted, you may think you’re going in the right direction when you’re actually being driven in the wrong direction by fear, for example.
How to Recognize Distortion
As a professional intuitive, I have learned to recognize distortion and help clients understand when a reading is not clear. Some of the signs of distortion include:
- Fear-based messages: If a reading is filled with fear and negative emotions, it is likely to be distorted. Intuition comes from a place of love, compassion, and positivity.
- Personal agenda: If the reader has a personal agenda or investment in the outcome of the reading, it is likely to be distorted. Intuition is impartial and does not judge or manipulate.
- Vague or ambiguous messages: If the message is not clear or concise, it may be distorted. Intuition communicates with clarity and simplicity.
How to Avoid Distortion
Avoiding distortion requires you to be aware of your own beliefs, fears, and personal agenda.
You must be aware of your emotional state and avoid giving a reading when you are not feeling your best.
It is also essential to practice self-awareness and understand your biases.
Here are some tips to avoid distortion:
- Practice Meditation: Meditation helps clear your mind of clutter and connect with your intuition.
- Self-reflection: Take time to reflect on your emotions, beliefs, and personal agenda before doing an intuitive session.
- Practice Honesty: Be honest with yourself and your clients about your emotional state. Avoid doing a session when you are not feeling your best.
Intuition is a powerful tool that can help you make the right decisions in life. However, distortion can hinder its effectiveness and lead to wrong decisions.
It is essential to be aware of distortion and how to avoid it. If you are a client, it is crucial to recognize the signs of distortion and seek clarity when necessary.
Intuition comes from a place of clarity and positivity, and it should never be influenced by fear or personal agendas.
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