Intuition Podcast [96] Why Do You Feel Like A Prisoner In Your Relationship? Intuition Case Study + New Intuition Technique
Hi, my name is Elise Lebeau, I’m the Left Brain Intuitive.
And your intuition is calling! Let’s see what it has to say.
So today, we’re doing another case study. I’m going to show you how I do a professional intuitive reading for a member of the audience who has requested an anonymous reading.
I don’t know anything about them. I just know where they’re stuck. That’s the only thing I ask.
You can get a reading too if you would like to. I’m retired now, and I don’t give private readings anymore. But you can still get a soul-deep intuitive insight as part of this podcast. You can go to and submit your request.
Feeling Like a Prisoner in Your Relationship
Today’s request is from a woman who feels like a prisoner in her relationship with her husband.
This is something that you might feel too — in the sense that there might be relationships in your life where you feel held hostage, where you feel you have no control, that you’re always either overridden, or whatever you do, it’s always wrong.
This is what I’m seeing here.
She used the word prisoner, but we can feel this way whenever we don’t feel free.
First, I’m going to start with my favorite question: What do you most need to hear about this?
When I start reading, I try to take a step back first before diving into the specifics. Sometimes, when I ask this question, it’s not about the issue itself. It’s really more of a 10,000-foot view of the problem and your energy in general.
Sometimes there are things that are pushed down or suppressed, but they are really important.
And it’s funny because whatever I say at the beginning of a reading always circles back to be relevant by the time I’m done, which is super fun for me too because I discover that along the way as well.
So, what do you most need to hear about this relationship where you feel like a prisoner?
Intuition And the Power of Decisions
There’s something really powerful about the things we decide in the privacy of our own minds.
And there’s also something really powerful about the things we let other people decide for us.
Fundamentally, freedom — feeling free — has to do with what’s happening inside our own mind just as much as it has to do with the circumstances of our lives.
You can be in an environment that’s more restrictive but still find thoughts in your mind and ways in your everyday decisions that give you a sense of freedom.
Likewise, you might be in a very free life where you can do whatever you want, choose whatever you want, and leave anytime you want, but you don’t.
So you don’t exercise your freedom.
It’s like a prison for our minds.
There are many times in our lives when we feel stuck because we have actually built that prison for our own mind.
Nothing is preventing us from breaking free.
What you most need to hear today is that a single decision can change that.
If you decide today that you don’t want to be a prisoner anymore in this relationship or any other relationship, you can decide that in the privacy of your own mind.
Nobody needs to know. You don’t have to tell anybody you’re changing something. It’s happening internally.
It’s less scary when we do it like that, right?
When you’re in a relationship where you’re unhappy, you know something’s going to have to change, and possibly, the other person is going to be unhappy when you decide to change.
That can lead us to avoid change because we don’t want the other person to be unhappy.
In that relationship, we don’t feel free to be who we are and to say how we feel, so we stay stuck because of that prison.
That prison usually comes from the logical mind.
When I talk about intuition, you’ve probably heard me say this: the logical mind is in charge of our consciousness.
So, it deals with things we are aware of, while our intuitive mind is in charge of the subconscious — the things we are not aware of right now. We know about them, but they’re just not conscious at the moment.
Anything from your childhood or anything that has to do with other people’s energy or external events — you don’t know consciously that they’re coming for you, but your intuition does because it has access to this information subconsciously.
Reading energy is not just my special skill. A lot of people can do that.
The Prison of the Logical Mind
In this case, we have a situation where your logical mind has built a prison for your mind.
I don’t see specifics because I can’t read minds. I can only read energy, which is really stored in your physical body.
Every thought you have leaves a trace behind, and that trace turns into what I call the hard drive — your physical body.
It gets stored in there somewhere, in the depths of your mind. I don’t read minds, but I can definitely see when there’s a trace.
This prison has left a trace.
I don’t see how you’re thinking about this, but what I am seeing is the shape of the prison, so to speak. My intuition interprets that in terms of images, which I then convey into words to bring you clarity.
This prison was built from your logical mind, probably saying things like:
- I can’t say anything because I don’t want to get a divorce.
- I can’t say anything because I’m scared of breaking my relationship.
- I can’t be myself because maybe I’m wrong or too demanding.
These kinds of thoughts are how this prison is built — with words of fears and doubt.
Interestingly, when I look at the energy of your relationship — and I don’t read third parties like your husband, but I can read the link between you and him — I don’t see a big problem there where you would be in danger if you said something.
So, the prison is more restricted to your side of the equation.
Is it possible he would be angry or sad? Yes, that’s possible.
But what your intuition has been trying to say is that there is a way out of this.
There is a way out of this prison, and the way out starts with something very simple.
An Intuition Technique to Help You Find Freedom
If this resonates with you at all today, this is one of my favorite intuition techniques because it sounds so simple, but it’s a really important step in the intuitive algorithm — the process where we complete an intuitive cycle.
This is the last step.
You need to be able to trigger your intuition (activating it), access your intuition (getting information), align it with what you want (knowing what you want), and accelerate your life in the direction of what you want.
The most important thing you can do is make a small decision — one that’s not scary but is based on an intuitive insight.
Today’s intuitive insight is that there is a way out of this prison.
When we started, you felt like you were in a life sentence with no way out.
The decision I suggest you take, in the privacy of your own mind today, is that you will find a way out of this prison.
You will feel free to be yourself.
You will feel free to express how you feel and to have a conversation with your husband about it.
You can’t control how he will react, but you can decide that you will be true to yourself.
In that moment, when you decide this in your mind, your intuition starts to work because you have now paid attention to it, made a decision based on it, and told it, This is where we’re going.
Your intuition will respond, I can get you there.
This is the big difference between the logical mind and the intuitive mind.
The logical mind can decide something is impossible, making us feel powerless and helpless.
But intuition can always get you there.
It has access to much more information.
There’s nothing magical here — it’s not psychic. It’s just more information.
Your intuition can access subconscious data, other people’s energy, and big currents happening in your life that you’re not aware of.
It can guide you through this.
If you’d like to do this with me, I host an Intuition Bootcamp every month. In February, we are focusing on financial freedom.
You can register at