The Pollution Villain: The Nemesis of Intuition
Today we’re talking about the Pollution Villain, one of the nemesis of Intuition.
My name is Elise, I’m the Left Brain Intuitive, and this is the special place where we talk about logic + intuition.
In the Intuitive Algorithm there’s things that can go wrong, which is why it can be difficult, to figure out how to access and align your intuitive insight.
And there’s three big villains. The first one is the Collision Villain. And I’ve spoken a lot about this one already because it’s the most frequent one. And then the second one is Pollution. This one happens a little later in the intuitive cycle.
When you are trying to align your intuitive insight with what you want, what’s your goal? Now, this sounds simple but it can be surprisingly difficult for several reasons.
The first one is that as women, we have been socialized to prioritize the needs of others above ours. We grew up focusing a lot on other people, how other people felt, what other people thought about us, and this over time, this accumulation of simulation that requires an external focus.
So focusing on other people, it means that we are paying less and less attention to our internal wants. To the thing that we want in our lives, we’re paying less attention to that.
This is particularly true if you’re a mom because you know you have a baby and they have needs , that’s kind of non-negotiable, so you spend a lot of time thinking about what other people want, specifically, you know what your kids, and so over time what can happen is that your ability to quickly connect.
With what you want and to align your intuitive insights with what you want. Your goal, your what you want to achieve becomes more difficult because that has been quieter and quieter. It’s completely diluted in the needs of others.
Now, pollution is the a villain that will rise against intuition.
So when you power on your intuitive superpower, you’re most likely gonna run into these villains.
They’re the nemesis of intuition. Pollution interferes with your alignment with what you really want. And here’s how that works usually. So you feel kind of confused or lost, or you’re not really sure what to do.
You feel stuck. And so your reflex, so the first thing that you. Is to ask somebody else for their advice, their input, their suggestion, and when you receive that information, it just goes right through. It’s automatically included in the information that you will use to make your decision.
There’s no filter there. It just goes right through. There’s two tricky parts happening here. Now, this is something that I’ve slowed down, it’s like I put another, the microscope, to show you how this works at the molecular level of intuition. This happens in a split second.
You won’t even see it go by but what you’ll find is that a lot of your decisions are not aligned with who you really are.
You are in a state of incoherence between who you are inside and who you are outside, and that is a clear sign of pollution right there.
So the two things that happen really fast is that the first one is that your reflex when you are stuck, lost, and confused, is to seek information outside of yourself first.
So you quickly ask for advice, ask for opinion, ask for suggestions. This is your way of addressing this confusion, and because other people do not have all the information that you store in your subconscious, their advice, their suggestion will not be a perfect fit for who you are. That’s impossible.
Now that leads us to the second problem is if you had the reflex of asking for their opinion first, and then it went right through you without any filter now is we have irrelevant information sitting here inside as we try to make a decision, and that’s the pollution.
It doesn’t belong there. That’s not the natural state of being for you to be filled with what everybody has said and in addition to what they have said is what you think they will think, so pollution can actually come from an internal source in the sense that sometimes we have a voice in our head that tells us what other people will think.
I shouldn’t do that because it might look like I’m being petty. I shouldn’t do that because it might look like I’m being greedy. I’m asking to get paid for my services that might look greedy to somebody else.
That’s pollution. It doesn’t belong here. What other people are thinking is not relevant to your decision, internal decision process.
Now, the two manifestation of this problem is that first of all, your reflex when you are stuck, lost and confused is to go outside of yourself.
So you ask your coach, you ask your mentor, you ask your husband, you ask your best friend, you ask your mom, you ask the internet. The internet has been promoted to a being now. You ask Google first what you should do, and in that moment you are not aligned with what is a good fit for you.
You are aligned with an external construct. That external construct, I mean, could be Google, what Google thinks. And when you think about it, when you Google something, the first thing that comes up is not necessarily a fit for who you are.It’s a fit for whatever Google wants to show you.
Now, right there, there’s some massive pollution. So if you Google, is it easy to access your intuition? Maybe the first 20 answer is no, It’s really hard. Or yes, it’s really magical and there’s no work involved.
Neither one of these are true, and specifically neither one of these are true for you because for you, it might be easy for you to access, but you might have a problem in the align step, the third step of the Intuitive Algorithm, you might have a hard time aligning your actual behavior and decision to what you actually want because you’re suffering from pollution.
Pollution creates a lot of hesitation in your intuitive cycle, a lot of hesitation because you constantly start and you stop.
You start and you stop. You remake the same decision over and over again and what’s happening, and I, because I’m a software engineer, every analogy is related to computers. You have an algorithm that is constantly recomputing the next step because of the pollution.
So you ask somebody for their opinion, you listen to that and you’re asking them, oh, what should be the next thing in my career? And they say, well, I think there’s a lot of money in banking. You should become a banker now. Hopefully it’s somebody that you know and trust who would say something that’s closer to you, which is even more dangerous because then pollution looks like a well-meaning piece of advice.
Well, I know you really well, and I know that you let’s see, you get a little rattled when things are not clear, like you like following the rules, so you should go into a job that follows the rules.
Now this sounds like well-meaning advice, but what if you are right now at a point of your life where you’re ready for a challenge, you’re ready to explore, you are ready to be free of the rules, finally, especially other people’s rules.
And so now, right now, this is pollution and God bless their heart, it’s not their fault. It’s not their fault for saying this. There is no way that they could know this about you because they don’t have access to all the information that is stored in your subconscious, which is the only way to get there is through your intuition.
So your intuition is a very simple device. Really, it only cares about you. Your intuition only cares about you.
The only thing that your intuition has access to is the stuff that is relevant to you.
The thing that really introduces the pollution is your Logical Mind, because your Logical Mind says I’m lost and stuck and confused and so because I don’t really know what’s best for me, I’m gonna ask somebody. I’m gonna ask somebody else first because I was taught when I was growing up that you should add, always listen to your betters. That your mom always knew best. These are all construct that you inherited as you were growing up.
There are thoughts that are in your logical mind, there are false beliefs that are just an a particular organization, a series of thoughts that go together and it’s encoded in your brain. And so your reflex is to say, when I was little and I didn’t know what to do, I always went to my mom and she always told me what to do, and so now I need somebody to tell me what to do.
That’s a reflex. You don’t even think about it in these words. It’s just a reflex. You ask other people what to do, and for the Logical Mind, this sounds like a great strategy.
And indeed there are times where this is a spectacular strategy. For example, when you don’t know how to do something and you wanna learn a new skill, well, you take a class, you ask, you hire a coach, you ask a friend , how did you do that?
Those are, this is great. This is the Logical Mind’s strength.
However, if you ask other people first, instead of asking your intuition first, you’re right off the gate, out of alignment. because your intuition when you ask this question, okay, I feel lost, stuck and confused, which should be my next career. I feel like I’m dissatisfied at work.
It’s not awesome. It’s not bad, but it’s not awesome. I want something new. I want something fresh, something exciting. What would that be? I have no idea. What would that be? Your intuition? Who is only concerned about you, your intuition doesn’t care about what you should do. It doesn’t care if there’s money in banking.
Your intuition doesn’t care about any of that. Your intuition looks at the information it has about you, and it says, oh my gosh, you are so ready to do something completely different.
And then it can say something relevant here. Which is immediately gonna freak out your Logical Mind. What do you mean join the circus?
I’ve always wanted to be an acrobat. And I’m making a joke here, but really the fear that will be triggered when you ask the question, what should my next career be to your intuition should not be underestimated. It is massive.
The thing about fear is that it’s not real.
Fear is a projection of your Logical Mind into the future.
It’s just like it’s playing a movie of all the horrible things that can happen to you . That’s what fear is. Now, danger is real danger is real. If you have a mortgage to pay that’s $1,800 a month and you decide to join the circus, and you know that you’re not gonna get paid more than, I dunno, $200 a month, that is dangerous.
That is actually dangerous. Your logical mind’s not gonna be willing to do that. Now, fortunately, because we are talking about love brain intuition, here we are gonna come up with a plan that works for both of them. They can work together, they can cooperate to get you to that new place, which is to be an acrobat in a circus.
And so maybe part of the solution here is that once the intuitive insight has come, that, oh my gosh I wanna be an acrobat in a circus. Then you present it to your Logical Mind. How can we do that? Can we do that? How can we do that? That would be interesting. And your Logical Mind might say, well, you can do it as a hobby if you want.
Oh, well that’s good idea. I could start it as a hobby and see where it goes. Now, right away the fear is kind of melted away because your Logical Mind’s not freaking out anymore , cuz you’ll be able to keep paying your mortgage , if you become a part-time acrobat in the circus and it’s on the weekends, you’re just doing locally little gigs.
And that’s perfectly acceptable. The thing though is that this fear can drive you to not want to ask your intuition, to just ask other people for advice, which is unproductive at, in this particular stage because, in order to align with what you want, you need to know what you want.
Your Logical Mind is really good at answering the question, HOW and WHEN are we gonna get there?
Because the logical mind can make your plan for these, so how are we gonna become an acrobat in the circus? Well, we’re gonna figure out if there’s some classes we can take. We are gonna audition in the local circus that just stays close by. So I can do this on the weekend and we’re gonna try to get booked for acrobat gigs.
That’s how we’re gonna do it. When are we gonna do it? Well, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I have some availability. I can take the classes at that time . See that the Logical Mind is on its way answering the how and the when question is the logicals mind’s strength. It’s the wheelhouse.
The intuitive Mind is good at answering the WHY, the Clarity question.
Why? Why do I love being an acrobat so much? It’s surprising to me that I want this. Now, the why question leads to clarity. That’s why intuition is so good at it.
The other question that intuition is really good at is WHAT? What do I need to do next to become an acrobat? What do I want to do as my next career?
These are the things that, these are the two questions that your intuition can answer. It’s the wheelhouse of intuition. Now, if you ask your intuition a how question or a when question, it’s going to give you crap. And if you ask your logical a what question or a why question. It’s gonna give you crap.
It’s gonna make stuff up. That’s not their specialty. So go to the specialist for the question that you’re asking. And as soon as you do that, as soon as you do that, then it makes sense. Then it’s clean, it’s not polluted anymore. Do that first. So I’m confused. I don’t know what I’m gonna do next.
I feel like there’s something, another career I’m interested in. I go to my intuition. I said, okay, what? What is my next career? And I get the intuitive insight because I’m brave and I’m willing to overcome the fear. I overcome the fear. And it says, you wanna be an acrobat.
Okay, so my next question is probably why. Why do I wanna be an acrobat? I get some clarity. Oh. Because you love doing something with your body. You’re a very gifted gifted dancer. Let’s say. When I was little, I took dance class, I was really good at it. And it’s the next exploration of your body’s expression.
Sounds really fun. Okay, so now I have my clarity. I wanna be an acrobat because I’m really gifted in that area. Now I can go out and I can ask people, I can ask my Logical Mind the how and the when.
Then it’s fine because I’m aligned. Because if somebody says you should go into banking your intuition is gonna say, wait, well, hold on banking is not aligned with acrobats, so probably not. That’s a hard no. I’m gonna filter that out for now. It’s not relevant.
And then somebody says, oh, you know what? My cousin is an acrobat in the circus, maybe you wanna talk to them? Oh, yes. Intuition says, oh yeah, this is aligned with what I want.
And the only reason you’re gonna recognize that if you know what you want, but because you were socialize to focus on other people for most of your life, if you’re a woman, or even if you’re a man, sometimes sometimes you socialized to care about what other people want so you can sell them something.
So it doesn’t matter how you got here, but the fact that you can now make a different choice, even if you were socialized to think about other people’s opinions as better than your own, or people’s advice as better than your own.
You can choose differently now, and the way to do that is very simple.
When you feel lost, stuck or confused, ask your intuition a WHAT or a WHY question.
Get some CLARITY with the why question and get some content as to what you want .You can even ask literally, what do I want? You can ask that question because it is possible that it’s very dim for you.
The volume on this question is very low, and you just can’t hear the answer. So if you ask, what do I really want? What do I really want? You ask that to your intuition.
All of a sudden you turned up the volume and now you get an get an answer. And if the answer scares you shitless, I would like to remind you that you do not have to take action.
Intuition is only information
That’s all it is. You are not obligated to take action.
That’s gonna lower the fear a lot but now you can start to play with this idea and ask more question about it more why and more what question to your intuition, and then you’re ready to transition and ask questions to your Logical Mind, the how and the when, and ask questions to other people and you will know instantly if what they’re saying is aligned with what you want, because you know what you want now .
 That’s been made clear by your intuition.
These are the two ways that you can avoid pollution in everyday life.
All right, that’s all I’m getting for you today. I hope this was helpful, and I’ll talk to you soon.
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