[76] The Soul Deep Meaning of Anger: Your Intuitive Compass
Is Your Intuition Calling?
Hi, my name is Elise Lebeau, I’m the Left Brain Intuitive, and your intuition is calling. Let’s see what it has to say.
Soul Deep Anger and Intuition
Today, we’re talking about anger, specifically. It’s a tough emotion for us women, I feel, because we’re socialized to ignore it, suppress it, or feel bad that we are angry. It’s not ladylike, it’s not professional—you’ve probably heard these things. Today, I want to talk about why anger is good and more specifically, why you might be asking yourself these questions:
- Why am I so angry?
- Why am I so angry all the time?
- Why am I angry every time I go to work?
- Why am I angry at all my clients all of a sudden?
There is something soul-deep about this particular kind of anger. Your intuition talks to you a lot through emotions. Although people can receive intuitive insight in fully formed sentences, that’s not how most of us receive intuition. Most of the time, we receive something that’s not language-based, which includes emotions.
Understanding Your Intuitive Compass
The intuitive compass is a tool that you have that tells you a very simple message. If you’re going towards what you want, you will feel better. If you’re going away from what you want, you’ll feel worse. This is tricky if you’re not familiar with how the intuitive compass works.
Your intuitive compass has three zones: paralyzing emotions, activating emotions, and elevating emotions.

Paralyzing Emotions
In the paralyzing emotions zone, you are stuck. You’re not moving forward. You feel depressed, powerless to change your life, or living in fear.
Activating Emotions
The next emotional zone is activating emotions. Here, you feel something strong, and if there’s enough fuel, it will trigger change. In this zone, there are feelings like jealousy, anger, frustration, and resentment.
Elevating Emotions
The elevating emotions are the ones we always aim for. We feel inspired by what we’re doing, passionate about our work, in love in our relationships, excited to get up in the morning, and peaceful.
Using Your Intuitive Compass: From Anger to Inspiration
Think of the three zones like a traffic light: you’re in the red, yellow, or green. If you’re in the red, feeling paralyzing emotions like depression, and then wake up angry, now you’re in the yellow. This is better—this is actually making progress and moving in the right direction.
However, if when you wake up angry, you think to yourself: “Ah, I shouldn’t be angry. That’s bad. I’m a bad person if I’m angry. That’s petty.” You feel guilty, which puts you back in the paralyzing zone, the red zone. Now you’re going the wrong way.
The compass is simple. It wants you to go from red to yellow to green. It also warns you if you’re in the green and fall into the yellow—something’s worth investigating.
Before You Step Into Your Next Meeting…
Let’s say you felt inspired on Monday, excited about a new project at work. In the first meeting, you sit down and feel irritated. When you walk away from that meeting, you have two options. You can write off the irritation as normal friction at the start of a project, or you can ask your intuition: “Why do I feel this irritation?”
Maybe your intuition will reveal that something is out of alignment. The compass will tell you you’re going the wrong way, but it won’t explain what’s wrong unless you ask.
You need a good protocol to ask your intuition—whether through journaling or meditation. I use a protocol called the Precise Intuitive Experience (PIE for short!). It doesn’t matter how you do it, but you need a method to ask your intuition this question without distortion: “Why am I irritated?”
Once you articulate the intuitive insight, you can take action. Next time you sit in that meeting, instead of being angry, you’ll be curious, aligning yourself in the right direction.
Your Intuitive Compass in Everyday Life
Imagine using your intuitive compass with every meeting. Instead of being constantly angry, you could turn that around by asking, “Why?” Get an intuitive insight, refine it into words if needed, and be on your way towards what you really want—being happy at work and having fulfilling work.
This anger you’re feeling is deeper than just your conscious thoughts or today’s events. It comes from a different place. When a message comes from that soul-deep place, this is where you need to ask: “What is the message? What does this mean?” That’s where your intuition lives.
Your intuition provides a different meaning and a different frame of reference to your life by explaining things not just at the surface level of events but at a bigger picture that includes everything about you, and specifically, everything aligned with who you really are.
About This Intuition Podcast
Every one of my podcast episodes is intuitively inspired. I ask to deliver a message filled with something you needed to hear today. If you’re not a subscriber, I encourage you to stay with me to lean into your intuitive advantage.
All right, that’s all I’m getting for you today.
I hope this was helpful, and I’ll talk to you soon.